This guide merges, adapts and extends some of the basic RailsGirls guides for the scenario: description, displaying and commenting touristic places and rate them with respect to their autism-friendliness. This application was requested by the Galway Autism Partnership to support autistic adults during their travelings.
The extension comprises of the following new features:
TDD using Guide
Resource Rating
Authenticated User (via devise) permission setting
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### [*1.*Basic Web Application](/touristic-autism_basic-app)
### [*2.*Version control with Git](/touristic-autism_git)
### [*3.*Resource Modeling](/touristic-autism_resource-modeling)
### [*4.*Resource Rating](/touristic-autism_resource-rating)
### [*5.*Design](/touristic-autism_design)
### [*6.*Image upload and Thumbnails](/touristic-autism_image-upload)
**Optional - for advanced Rails Girls:**
### [*7.*Continuous Deployment](/touristic-autism_continuous-deployment)
### [*8.*Continuous Testing and Integration](/touristic-autism_static-pages-tdd)
## Additional Guides
* Guide 0: [Handy cheatsheet for Ruby, Rails, console etc.](
* Guide 1: [Put your app online with Heroku by Terence Lee](/heroku) / [Put your app online with OpenShift by Katie Miller](/openshift) / [Put your app online with Shelly Cloud](/shellycloud) / [Put your app online with anynines](/anynines) / [Put your app online with](/trucker)
* Guide 2: [Adding profile pictures with Gravatar](/gravatar)
* Guide 3: [Go through additional explanations for the App by Lucy Bain](
# Appendices
## Undoing things
Rails has some facilities to help you recover from mistakes.
For instance, you may decide to change the name of a controller. Since, when generating a controller, Rails creates many more files than the controller file itself, undoing the generation means removing a whole set of files. In Rails, this can be accomplished with rails destroy. In particular, these two commands cancel each other out:
$ rails generate controller FooBars baz quux
$ rails destroy controller FooBars baz quux
Similarly, after we generate a model as follows:
$ rails generate model Foo bar:string baz:integer
This can be undone using
$ rails destroy model Foo
Migrations change the state of the database using
$ rake db:migrate
We can undo a single migration step using
$ rake db:rollback
To go all the way back to the beginning, we can use
$ rake db:migrate VERSION=0
As you might guess, substituting any other number for 0 migrates to that version number, where the version numbers come from listing the migrations sequentially.
To drop a table from the db enter
$ rails console
Then just type:
>> ActiveRecord::Migration.drop_table(:)
You can browse directly the database (if sqlite3 type ".quit" to exit afterwards) by typing
$ rails db